What are the best german hairdressing scissors

If you have been on the search for a new pair of scissors you have certainly come across alot of information on Japanese scissors. Japan is known for their high quality scissors but have you heard about german hairdressing scissors yet? It is always good to know your different options, and believe us German hairdressing scissors are worth knowing!

A Brief History

German hair cutting scissors began to make a name for themselves in Europe in 1930. Coming out of the German city, Solingen, Jaguar solingen led the way in manufacturers. Solingen is known as the city of blades, and has produced some of the best scissors and scissor companies in the world. Jaguar solingen became known for their forward thinking design and hit the international distribution market in the 1960's. Their sleek European designs quickly became known worldwide.

What makes German hairdressing scissors stand out?

Whenever we discuss Japanese or German scissors we always talk about steel! German hairdressing scissors are made with high quality steel that is known for its toughness and strength. The highest quality German steel is MC micro carbide steel. This steel is as tough as it gets and makes for some great hair cutting tools. The other steels that you may find when looking for German hair cutting scissors are molybdenum and stainless chromium steel. Like Japanese scissors there are a range of steels that come with a range of price tags.

And that leads us to our next perk of German hair cutting scissors, their price tag. German scissors are known for their quality and affordable prices. Even their higher price scissors are still considered quite affordable in the hairdressing scissors world.

Don't let their price tag fool you ! Germany is known for its quality and style. After all, it is home to companies such as Porsche, Mercedes and BMW, and they don't skimp on style when it comes to their scissors. Germany is known throughout Europe for their style and good quality. You may find a lot of German hair scissors have cool colours and a variety of designs. If you're looking for a scissor with a visual appeal, German scissors definitely deliver!

German scissors are also known for their handle design. They have helped lead the way in offset ergonomics. You will find most German hair scissors have an offset handle. This handle design helps aid in maximum comfort when cutting.

The German Blades

German hair scissors are most known for their beveled edge. This blade edge is a power horse that is loved by hairdressers and barbers all over the world. This blade is strong and powerful. The beveled edge is still very sharp however the angle of the edge makes it extremely durable. The strength of the steel and the angle of the edge mean that these hairdressing scissors will hold their sharpness for quite some time. A beveled blade is great for blunt cutting because unlike some japanese edges it does not have as sharp of a point. This helps to hold the hair on the blades better and provide more stability. Beveled blades often come with a micro serrated blade. One blade will have tiny little cuts, or a micro serrated edge. These are there to grab the hair better and help keep it in place. The beveled blades and the micro serrated edge are very popular with barbers as it is a big help for scissor over comb.

German Scissor Brands

As we mentioned above Jaguar led the way for German scissor brands. They have created some of the best scissors in Germany and paved the way for some amazing brands.

Other popular German brands include Tondeo, Dovo, Gotto and Henbor. These brands have created finely crafted scissors, made from high quality steel and with price ranges available for everyone.

You Can't Go Wrong!

If you choose a pair of german hairdressing shears we promise you won't be disappointed! While their price tag may not be as high as a pair of japanese hairdressing scissors, German hair scissors sure do hold a special place in the scissor market! We think there are some great quality German scissors available to every hairdresser and while Japanese brands still hold the market for scissors, German brands have sure made a name for themselves!

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